Archives: Literature

At heart this is a marketing book, with with the key concept that you need to build something which: * Entices * Enables * Enrichesyour users.This is highly relevant to services and the concept of co-value generation.
Reading time <1 min
Takes the Rogers' work on adoption/diffusion and shows there is a vast chasm between the early adopters and the early majority (focussed more on technology innovation). This chasm needs to be narrowed. Moore's work comes from a marketing background which is beneficial in thinking of adoption elements as customer segments. There are plenty of example of successes and failures.
Reading time <1 min
[In Progress] Rogers looks at how new ideas spread via communication channels over time, coming up with an adoption/diffusion curve. This curve shows how the diffusion process starts with a few individuals who first adopt an innovation (innovators) and spread the word among their circle (early adopters). These early adopters spread the word to the early majority, then in turn to the late majority, finally ending up with the laggards.Understanding adoption/diffusion is key in product innovation, and also a key base in service innovation (where there are also additional factors to take account of)
Reading time <1 min
What I found useful This book gives a great insight into the economy of intangibles – design, branding, software, knowledge etc – something that is often ignored. A lot of the thinking is applicable to services and the service economy.  In particular, we can use the author’s 4 S model of intangibles to understand services […]
Reading time <1 min