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Abstract: Contemporary organizations require a strong learning orientation to gain competitive advantage. Based on in-depth interviews with senior executives and a review of the literature, the present investigation delineates four components of learning orientation: commitment to learning, shared vision, open-mindedness, and intra organizational knowledge sharing. A framework is tested using data from a broad spectrum of US industries. Learning orientation is conceptualized as a second-order construct. Its effect on firm innovativeness, which in turn affects firm performance, is examined. The results generally support theoretical predictions, and some interesting findings emerge.

Paper that defines and describes learning orientation. Used in my article on improving the innovativeness of organisations.
Reading time <1 min

Let's define innovation, avoiding the trap of value-in-exchange (that normal definitions have) and open our thinking up for wider success.

Innovation is creating and offering a new (to the organisation, market/industry, or world) value proposition:

  1. that helps a beneficiary make progress better than they can currently
  2. that improves during, or as a result of, the naturally occurring value co-creation
  3. which is delivered through the scalable and sustainable co-ordination of skills and resources (often across an ecosystem)
  4. and where resistance is minimised

Note, in particular, how our service-dominant logic lens steers us to focus differently on value. compared to normal old-school definitions

Reading time <14 mins
Lists some considerations to take into account to avoid your innovation approach descending into just being innovation theatre.   See article: The Innovation Problem
Reading time <1 min

Diffusion happens across a social network. Can we take advantage of that network's structure to accelerate diffusion?

To do so, we look at the network's topology. Its centricity, density, weak ties, structural holes etc

Which. in plainer speak, are the influencers, and Gladwell's Mavens, connectors etc. And where we might need to target a few innovator types, or many

Reading time <5 mins

Can we define what a service is in a more formal way? And then use that to better understand what innovation means?

Yes we can. Service(s) can be defined as lists of:

  • External Characteristics - what the end user experiences, including parts of the business model
  • Technical Characteristics - the processes, tools, and products used to deliver the service; including the client interface
  • Provider competences - the competences the individuals in provider bring to the table
  • Customer competences - the competences the customer brings to the service
It is the particular interaction between a combination of competences and technical characteristics that deliver the external characteristics.

Service innovation is then the act of adjusting these competences and characteristics to generate new/additional value

Reading time <16 mins

Innovation resistance – users postponing, rejecting, or even objecting/demonstrating against – is the sadly neglected child.

We are all familiar with its sisters: diffusion and adoption. Yet, we see innovations failing again and again. And not addressing innovation resistance is a candidate for why this is so. As well as for why 94% of executives are disappointed with innovation performance. Why? Well, in order to get adoption we have to:

  1. address Rogers’ classic adoption variables, and
  2. remove resistance (opposition, rejection and postponement) to the innovation
Too often we only see and address the point 1. Yet:
  • innovation resistance seems to be a normal, instinctive response of consumers” (Sheth and Ram, 1989)
  • "customer resistance is usually one of the greatest risks to innovation" (Heidenreich & Kraemer, 2015).

In this article, we look at innovation resistance and why it occurs.

Reading time <12 mins
Abstract: Services are fast overtaking manufacturing to form a dominant proportion of the world economy. Service innovation is increasingly seen as a vector of sustainable growth and competitive advantage at the firm-, industry- and economy-level. Innovation started evolving as a key discipline of research over the twentieth century. Initially, innovation research was predominantly focused on science and technology and the new product development approach for commercializing ideas and inventions mainly in the manufacturing industry. With the increasing growth of services in today’s organizations and economy, the importance of understanding service innovation concepts and practices has been on the rise. Over the last two decades, researchers have hence been directing attention to innovation in the context of services. Today, service innovation has evolved into a vast field encompassing the study of intangible processes and dynamic interactions among technological and human systems that lead to managerial and organizational change in services. The literature on service innovation is expanding into a diverse and cross-disciplinary body of knowledge scattered across economics, marketing, organizational science, and management perspectives. The purpose of this chapter is to cut through this complexity and diversity in the streams of extant service innovation literature, and provide a holistic overview of the literature in this rapidly growing field. Organized across three broad themes: Overview of Service Innovation, The Dynamic and Systemic Process of Service Innovation, and Management of Service Innovation; this chapter presents a consolidated guide to the service innovation concepts and practices.

    1 Background 2 Service Innovation: An Overview 2.1 Service Innovation and Its Characteristics 2.2 Classification of Service Innovation 3 The Dynamic and Systemic Process of Service Innovation 3.1 Service Design and New Service Development 3.2 Open and Collaborative Processes of Service Innovation 3.3 Customer as a Co-creator of Service Innovation 3.4 Systemic Diffusion […]
Reading time <1 min

How should you build up your supply chain? What are the real market sizes of Rogers' adopter types? When is best to launch the next generation of your innovation?

To answer those, we take a deeper look at the mathematics behind Bass' Diffusion Model

The maths helps us understand the split of innovator and imitator types - captured as two co-efficients in the formula. That allows us to understand where to apply internal and external influence. We can use existing sales (or a comparator) to derive these two co-efficients and therefore predict adoption. That helps us manage supply chains and real market size. Additionally, we can determine when it is best to launch the next generation of the innovation (and see what happens when we lauch to early or late)

And, best of all fits real life!

Reading time <14 mins

It's time to revisit and update den Hertog's 2000 service innovation model. Reflecting both how the world looks now, 20 years later, as well as folding in modern theories such as servie-dominant logic, job to be done, blue ocean, as well as addressing innovation resistance

I propose the following updates

  • Uplifting technology dimension and technological capabilties
  • Adding a Data dimension and data exploitation capabilties
  • Adding an Ecosystem dimension and partnering capabilties
  • Exploring where job to be done, hindrance maps, and blue ocean strategy help
  • Exploring where addressing innovation resistance best sits
Reading time <10 mins

Innovation adoption is when individuals or organisations decide and start using an innovation.

We'll look at the classic adopter types, the adoption decision steps, and how adoption can be accelerated

But also we'll put the adoption decision in the context Christensen's Job theory (big and little hires). And see how resistance to innovation should be included in the classic adoption steps

Reading time <14 mins