There are 68 search results for: open innovation

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The Big Picture… Welcome to what I am calling The Progress Economy. The way of viewing the world that accelerates growth and innovation. We can view The Progress Economy as three levels sitting on a simple set of fundamentals. Fundamentally, we observe that: every actor is seeking to make progress with all aspects of their […]
Reading time <7 mins

Cash is everywhere - but what role does it have as we try and look at the economy as service-exchange based?

This is a preliminary view, where I look at cash rather than as a proxy for value, as being service tokens, which supports:

  • mediation of temporal and magnitude differences in a service exchange
  • enables indirect service exchange

Such a view still allows us to observe common aspects of cash (the desire to acquire as much as possible).

And allows us to maintain our improved view of value - relating to progress being made. In addition to service-service continuum and other behavioural quirks we see.

Reading time <9 mins
The Big Picture… Typically, we believe value is created/embedded by manufacturers and then exchanged at the point of sale. This is known as value-in-exchange and is the main basis of what we call goods-dominant logic. Once the buyer owns the Value, they set about destroying or using it up. It is a simple view of […]
Reading time <2 mins

The service mix helps us avoid myopia in innovation and gives us the framework to see what components we can mix between in our efforts to help beneficiaries make progress.

It is part of our definition of service, and comprises:

  • employees
  • physical resources
  • goods
  • systems

that the ecosystem offering the value proposition decides to provide

Reading time <4 mins

Here's a description of the Lean Canvas - a one-page business plan

We can use it to neatly describe an innovation. As well as guide-rails for an innovator to take an idea to an innovation description.

Reading time <8 mins

There is a criticism that the original 4P marketing mix doesn't address service. Which comes from a view that service and goods are fundamentally different.

To address this criticism, Boom & Bitner introduced 3 additional Ps to derive the Service Marketing Mix. These new Ps are People, Physical Evidence and Process.

Kotler added an 8th - performance. And this is sometimes altered to partnership

Reading time <5 mins

Product, Price, Promotion and Place. These are the 4Ps of the original marketing mix. Which helps us tease out things we need to think of to sell our product

It's a marketing classic - but with lots of criticism. Which are sometimes not well looked into by marketing, business or MBA courses.

Reading time <11 mins
The Big Picture… If beneficiaries need help in making progress with some aspect of their life, who is it that can help them? It is the enterprises – individuals, firms, multinational conglomerates, non-profits, entrepreneurs, start-ups etc. And these all have one thing in common. They are instances of a: value co-creation enabling system that is […]
Reading time <1 min

A value proposition details how the offer will help a beneficiary make progress.

I've defined this as the proposed value (whereas realised value is the amount of value co-created)

We can use a formula way to describe a value proposition:

  1. I (beneficiary)
  2. who (functional progress being sought [job to be done, hindrance to avoid, problem to solve])
  3. the (product/brand name) is a (product category)
  4. that (functional and non functional progress offered)
  5. unlike (primary competitor alternatives), (product/brand name) (primary differentiation statement).
Reading time <3 mins

Value - it's more than the price someone is prepared to pay

It is the proposal to help a beneficiary make functional and/or non-functional progress in some aspect of their life. And it is the amount of progress made in use (co-creation of value).

That we measure value today by price paid and/or volume sold is a result of our product-dominant logic view of the world. It turns out, these are proxies we end up using as we are not relational enough. Something service-dominant logic opens our eyes up to.

Reading time <12 mins