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Innovations diffuse - knowledge spreads - across a social system through communication channels over time.

We'll take a network-centric view of diffusion and see how Bass' model and Rogers' adoption curve help us understand diffusion

Then we'll look at Moore's crossing the chasm and Maloney's 16% rule to understand some issues. And finally look at the tipping point, and Gladwell's mavens, connectors and salesmen.

Reading time <14 mins
[In Progress] Rogers looks at how new ideas spread via communication channels over time, coming up with an adoption/diffusion curve. This curve shows how the diffusion process starts with a few individuals who first adopt an innovation (innovators) and spread the word among their circle (early adopters). These early adopters spread the word to the early majority, then in turn to the late majority, finally ending up with the laggards.Understanding adoption/diffusion is key in product innovation, and also a key base in service innovation (where there are also additional factors to take account of)
Reading time <1 min

It's useful to have some background on product-dominated innovation since service-dominated innovation is similar (yet with additional factors to address).

In this article we look at:

  1. how the roles, resources and value attributes of product innovation play out
  2. Rogers' adoptability/diffusion curve
  3. Moore's crossing the chasm
  4. Bass' adoption curve
  5. the factors that impact the speed of innovation adoption

Reading time <8 mins
Our economies are increasingly services dominant. Yet we typically perform service innovation using product innovation approaches. This raises two questions. Firstly, are service and product innovation the same? Secondly, should, or even can, we apply product-dominant innovation thinking in our service-dominant economies? That McKinsey’s recently found 94% of executives are not happy with the outcome […]
Reading time <9 mins
The Big Picture Is innovation in service different to innovation in goods? There are three schools of thought: Assimilation view sees product and service innovation as essentially the same. Demarcation view sees them as distinct. Synthesis view sees service innovation as essentially the same as product innovation where some aspects appear less important in product […]
Reading time <4 mins

This site started with The Innovation Problem - not least that 94% of executives are unhappy with innovation performance- and my experience starting a global innovation account's innovation function.

What is the solution?

That is what this article builds. Pulling out the lessons from all the articles on this site I am building a blueprint of an organisation and approach that doesn't suffer from the problems that lead

It is an article that is continually being updated and reformed as I go through my journey

Reading time <1 min

We can understand exactly what innovation - and its different types, for example: incremental, radical, ecosystem etc - means when we use a characteristics model.

Even better, a characteristics model provides a framework on which we can more systematically hunt for innovation. Including the impact of introducing partners in an ecosystem

Reading time <8 mins

"94% of executives are unsatisfied with innovation performance". Yet "84% see innovation as important to growth"! And "54% of companies struggle to bridge the gap between innovation and business". Worse; "very few executives know what the problem is and how to fix it"!

We have forgotten the basics. Firstly that "the firm has two, and only two activities: marketing and innovation". And that "people don't want to buy a 1/4 inch drill, they want a 1/4 inch hole".

Instead, we (accidentally?) embark on innovation theatre, misalign execution with vision, and forget there is resistance to innovation. We miss following service-dominant logic. Which drives customer-centric thinking, and co-value generation; is a natural home for job-to-be-done and blue ocean theories; helps us minimise marketing myopia; and focuses us past point of sale, to additional services, servitization of goods, and the circular economy.

Reading time <10 mins

Much is made in service-dominant logic about value being co-created. But if it can be co-created, can it also be co-destructed?

Yes, it can. But early descriptions of interactive value formation either down played it or ignored it - destroying value is old school goods-dominant thinking.

But we can define it as occurring when interactions between actors results in a decline in at least one of the actors' well-being

And we investigate a framework that looks at components of orientation, resources and perceptions over time (before, in use and after) contribute to value co-destruction

Reading time <11 mins

As service is the basis of exchange, then all economies are service economies. But how do we account for the classic view of their being agricultural, goods and service economies?

We look at the skills and resources that society saw as the most beneficial to apply and improve. These turn out to be the skill and resources of: cultivation, mass production, management, and resource integration.

And the "shift to the service economy", often talked about today, is society beginning to see the skills of resource integration as most beneficial.

Reading time <10 mins