There are 68 search results for: open innovation

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Areas researching service innovation: University of Karlstad (Sweden) with several major Swedish companies (IKEA, Volvo, Ericsson); Finland and Manchester Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management (CERS) at Hanken, Finland
Reading time <1 min
Gave an original definition of drivers of economic development, including innovation.  Also gave an original definition of “new” when relating to innovation, which differs from that we use in service innovation. Defines innovation as 1. launch of a new product or a new species of already known product; 2. application of new methods of production […]
Reading time <1 min
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Å Ä Ö A B Booms, B. and Bitner, M. J. (1981) “Marketing Strategies and Organizational Structures for Service Firms” in James H. Donnelly and William R. George (eds), Marketing […]
Reading time <3 mins
What I found useful This book gives a great insight into the economy of intangibles – design, branding, software, knowledge etc – something that is often ignored. A lot of the thinking is applicable to services and the service economy.  In particular, we can use the author’s 4 S model of intangibles to understand services […]
Reading time <1 min

You may be surprised to learn that the service economy is around 80% of the economy in "developed" lands (already 79% in UK). And it is an economic segment that is increasing everywhere.

I explore why we shift towards service dominant economies and the impact of that shift.

Not least if that you need to think of innovation differently for the service world than you do at present

Reading time <11 mins

Is our current way of thinking about the world - a so called goods-dominant logic that is goods-centric and has a heavy focus on value-exchange - the best mindset for services?

In this first of two articles we look at what is this goods-dominant mindset. We conclude that yes we could use it for services, but it limits us. It is like driving a performance sports car, but only ever using 1st gear.

Once we look more at services we realise a new logic is needed to access the other gears. But that this is a realisation not a revolution.

Reading time <4 mins
About Me Hi, I’m Adam, the main author of this site (and I’d be glad to connect on LinkedIn). As a Chief Innovation Officer I created and implemented innovation process from scratch for a global account. I have experienced the joy of sparking the imagination of teams around the world to be creative. I’ve used […]
Reading time <2 mins

In our increasingly service based economies it is important to understand what services are.

We gain this understanding by looking at services through academic definitions, marketing, and economic attributes, a continuum between gods and services and finally the logic behind services.

Reading time <20 mins