About & Motivation

There has to be a way to make innovation more successful…. Share on X

About Me

Hi, I’m Adam, the main author of this site (and I’d be glad to connect on LinkedIn).

As a Chief Innovation Officer I created and implemented innovation process from scratch for a global account. I have experienced the joy of sparking the imagination of teams around the world to be creative. I’ve used the tools of ideation and governance to filter ideas into innovations.

We even innovated in tooling by, for example, harnessing the Lean Canvas Model as a tool to iteratively develop ideas to innovations.

At the peak we had 29 items in the innovation pipeline.  Including:

  • harnessing blockchain to reduce costs of loyalty systems
  • utilising internet of things (IoT)
  • practical approaches to common every day problems,
  • exciting ideas with partners around leveraging big data and knowledge of earth’s plate tectonics to predict new oil reserves.


But. I have also experienced the frustration of getting traction for our ideas with the business. We were happy from an innovation function perspective; though unhappy with the end results.

It turns out, my management team and I are not alone.  McKinsey highlight that only 6% of executives they interviewed were happy with their innovation efforts.  That’s 94% who are unhappy.

…and the odds are, that you too are in this 94% group with me.

I took a part-time MBA at Imperial College London Business School with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. To start seeking solutions. And my final project was on how IT consultancies can increase innovation success.

This site is where I want to share and develop my thinking. And more importantly engage in discussion to further improve the ideas.  Let’s fix this 94% problem together!