Williamson, O.E. (1979)
Welcome to the Library
Hello. Why don’t you pull up one of those nice comfy chairs. Go on, settle yourself down in front of the crackling fire, with a good cup of tea (or coffee, or something stronger, the choice is yours).
This is my virtual library where I list the books and articles that have sparked my interest and thoughts. I’m not intending to give a detailed review of these books. Rather, just to highlight points of interest.
If you’re looking for the list of references, then you should try here.
I hope you find the items in the library as interesting and thought inspiring as I have! If you’ve got any comments or suggestions of other books and articles, please let me know!
Ng, I., Parry, G., Smith, L., Maull, R., Briscoe, G. (2012)
Djellal, F., Gallouj F., Miles, I. (2013)
An interesting walk through of innovation in public services through the three lenses of service innovation: assimilation, demarcation and synthesis
Ojasalo, J., Ojasalo, K.
Grönroos, C. (2011)
Challenges the Service-Dominant Logic view that value is always co-created between users and providers of services. The main point being that customers are not always co-creators of value however under certain circumstances the provider gets to co-create with the customer. The paper updates the 10 principles of SDL to 7 accordingly.
Useful summary of creation and co creation in services innovation
Karababe, E. and Kjeldgaard, D. (2013)
Lovelock, C., Gummesson, E. (2004)
Challenges the marketing attributes of services. The 5I’s of intangibility, inseperable, no inventory, inconsistent and requiring involvement. It finds them to be less generally applicable than everyone unquestionably assumes. Finding many examples where they are not the full explanation of differences between services and goods (products). They propose looking at services through the lens of […]
Plé, L. (2017)
“It is important to note that value co-destruction can occur for all or just one of the parties involved in an interaction. Thus, value co-destruction may also coexist with value imbalances among interacting actors.”
Bass, F., Krishnan, T., Jain, D. (1994)