Vargo, S. L., Lusch, R. (2006)
Welcome to the Library
Hello. Why don’t you pull up one of those nice comfy chairs. Go on, settle yourself down in front of the crackling fire, with a good cup of tea (or coffee, or something stronger, the choice is yours).
This is my virtual library where I list the books and articles that have sparked my interest and thoughts. I’m not intending to give a detailed review of these books. Rather, just to highlight points of interest.
If you’re looking for the list of references, then you should try here.
I hope you find the items in the library as interesting and thought inspiring as I have! If you’ve got any comments or suggestions of other books and articles, please let me know!
Defines the servicescape
Vandermerwe, S., Rada, J. (1988)
Defines the term "servitization" and gives a (non-exhaustive) view of why servitization happens.
Valente, T. (1996)
Spohrer, J. & Maglio, P. & Bailey, J., Gruhl, D. (2007)
service system = system in which entities exchange performance of beneficial action And that a service system can be understood as a system composed of people and technologies that adaptively computes and adjusts to the changing value of knowledge in the system
Covin, J., Slevin, D. (1989)
Defines the Covin/Slevin questionnaire for determining Entrepreneurial Orientation of a firm. Used in article: Increasing The Innovativeness Of Organisations
Amongst other things, a list of customer resources that can be brought to the table informational resources; emotional resources; physical resources; financial resources; temporal resources; behavioral resources; relational resources; social resources; cultural resources; role-related resources (role size, role awareness and role clarity); customer ability; and customer willingness.
Cornescua, V., Adam, C-R. (2013)
Goudin, P. (2016)
Gummesson, E., Grönroos, C. (2012)