Tag: preliminary

We (overly) pressurise our innovation approaches by seeking new to the world innovations. Do we need to?

Miles and others argue that a specific type of service organisation - knowledge intensive based services (KIBS) - can be sources, facilitators or carriers of innovation

But it is not just KIBS. Don't task-limit your innovation approach to being a source of innovation. Expand it to have a role as facilitators and carriers.

And we can note that carrying innovation - such as QR codes across industries - is particularly powerful and increasingly demanded by customers

Reading time <3 mins

We'll look at describing some examples of services using my update to Gallouj & Weinstein "service as characteristics" model.

And we'll take some examples from across the service-service continuum. From self-service - which includes what we would have called goods in the old days - through to full service.

Reading time <3 mins

Diffusion happens across a social network. Can we take advantage of that network's structure to accelerate diffusion?

To do so, we look at the network's topology. Its centricity, density, weak ties, structural holes etc

Which. in plainer speak, are the influencers, and Gladwell's Mavens, connectors etc. And where we might need to target a few innovator types, or many

Reading time <5 mins
The Big Picture Is innovation in service different to innovation in goods? There are three schools of thought: Assimilation view sees product and service innovation as essentially the same. Demarcation view sees them as distinct. Synthesis view sees service innovation as essentially the same as product innovation where some aspects appear less important in product […]
Reading time <4 mins

Is our current way of thinking about the world - a so called goods-dominant logic that is goods-centric and has a heavy focus on value-exchange - the best mindset for services?

In this first of two articles we look at what is this goods-dominant mindset. We conclude that yes we could use it for services, but it limits us. It is like driving a performance sports car, but only ever using 1st gear.

Once we look more at services we realise a new logic is needed to access the other gears. But that this is a realisation not a revolution.

Reading time <4 mins

This site started with The Innovation Problem - not least that 94% of executives are unhappy with innovation performance- and my experience starting a global innovation account's innovation function.

What is the solution?

That is what this article builds. Pulling out the lessons from all the articles on this site I am building a blueprint of an organisation and approach that doesn't suffer from the problems that lead

It is an article that is continually being updated and reformed as I go through my journey

Reading time <1 min

We can understand exactly what innovation - and its different types, for example: incremental, radical, ecosystem etc - means when we use a characteristics model.

Even better, a characteristics model provides a framework on which we can more systematically hunt for innovation. Including the impact of introducing partners in an ecosystem

Reading time <8 mins