Category: Tools

Here’s a collection of articles on the site that can be seen as tools that are useful in solving the innovation problem.

Some are updates to well known tools, with a service-dominant perspective. Such as the marketing triangle and marketing mix. And you’ll also find my service-service continuum, which falls out of taking a service-first view of the classic goods-service continuum. Using this update we get to visualise shifts in the service mix of goods, systems, physical resources and people.

Others help the innovation process. Such as using the canvas model iteratively to help ideators/innovators flesh out ideas in a language understandable to other stakeholders (as well as readily understandable by themselves). And/or to pull in and help collaborators. Or aim to help in the innovation execution. For example by understanding how complex an execution is – for a specific enterprise – and what can be done.

And yet others consider the problem of systematically finding innovations. For example through modelling service as a set of capabilities.

Do you want to empower ideators to take their exciting ideas towards innovations?

Helping them increase the quality, alignment, and completeness of those ideas in a language that the business understands?

And to do so in an non-intimidating way that is ripe for coaching and reviewing. As well as supporting collaboration.

Then we can use the Lean Canvas in an iterative manner as guide rails to get from ideas to innovations. This minimises innovation theatre and reduces the innovation problem

Reading time <10 mins

Introducing the Synthesis Marketing Mix. Built on the foundations of both McCarthy's Product Marketing Mix and Booms & Bitner's Service Marketing MIx. But taking a service-dominant logic view

A world where

  • the consumer is better informed
  • our economies are service dominated,
  • technology is replacing people, and
  • we are concerned with sustainability and circular economy

Reading time <10 mins

It's time to revisit and update den Hertog's 2000 service innovation model. Reflecting both how the world looks now, 20 years later, as well as folding in modern theories such as servie-dominant logic, job to be done, blue ocean, as well as addressing innovation resistance

I propose the following updates

  • Uplifting technology dimension and technological capabilties
  • Adding a Data dimension and data exploitation capabilties
  • Adding an Ecosystem dimension and partnering capabilties
  • Exploring where job to be done, hindrance maps, and blue ocean strategy help
  • Exploring where addressing innovation resistance best sits
Reading time <10 mins

The services marketing triangle captures the marketing relationships between three actors: company, employees and customer

These relationships revolve around the promise. External marketing is the company making the promise; interactive marketing is the employees delivering the promise; and internal marketing is the company enabling the employees to deliver the promise

I make a small update to reflect that customers nowadays deal with more than just employees. In a service-dominant logic view the following deliver the promise:

  • employees, including gig economy workers
  • systems of the service provider - the electronic employee, so to say
  • physical resources/goods of the service provider - the hire car or goods used for self-service
Reading time <5 mins