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[Work In Progress] How the customer journey in taking a flight has changed over the years is a great story of how service innovation: is continuous where customers drive co-value generation there are many actors involved autonomously often in parallel or separate markets/industries the level of co-value generation determines which components of a system survive […]
Reading time <2 mins
The Big Picture… Welcome to what I am calling The Progress Economy. The way of viewing the world that accelerates growth and innovation. We can view The Progress Economy as three levels sitting on a simple set of fundamentals. Fundamentally, we observe that: every actor is seeking to make progress with all aspects of their […]
Reading time <7 mins
The Big Picture… Typically, we believe value is created/embedded by manufacturers and then exchanged at the point of sale. This is known as value-in-exchange and is the main basis of what we call goods-dominant logic. Once the buyer owns the Value, they set about destroying or using it up. It is a simple view of […]
Reading time <2 mins
The Big Picture… If beneficiaries need help in making progress with some aspect of their life, who is it that can help them? It is the enterprises – individuals, firms, multinational conglomerates, non-profits, entrepreneurs, start-ups etc. And these all have one thing in common. They are instances of a: value co-creation enabling system that is […]
Reading time <1 min

A value proposition details how the offer will help a beneficiary make progress.

I've defined this as the proposed value (whereas realised value is the amount of value co-created)

We can use a formula way to describe a value proposition:

  1. I (beneficiary)
  2. who (functional progress being sought [job to be done, hindrance to avoid, problem to solve])
  3. the (product/brand name) is a (product category)
  4. that (functional and non functional progress offered)
  5. unlike (primary competitor alternatives), (product/brand name) (primary differentiation statement).
Reading time <3 mins
The Big Picture… Back in 2000, Pim den Hertog introduced a 4-dimensional services innovation model. Ten years later he introduced an updated 6-dimension model in “Capabilities For Managing Service Innovation: Towards A Conceptual Framework“. [Image of model] Where the updates are: delivery systems dimension is divided into two: new delivery systems (technology) and new delivery […]
Reading time <1 min
[very early draft] Customer resistance Customer resistance is the parallel to adoption. We see innovation as good and just need to diffuse it. Resistance, on the other hand, reflects customers hesitance to use an innovation. Ram and Sheth (1989) identify five barriers involved with resistance. Three of those are functional barriers: usage, value, risk; and […]
Reading time <5 mins

We (overly) pressurise our innovation approaches by seeking new to the world innovations. Do we need to?

Miles and others argue that a specific type of service organisation - knowledge intensive based services (KIBS) - can be sources, facilitators or carriers of innovation

But it is not just KIBS. Don't task-limit your innovation approach to being a source of innovation. Expand it to have a role as facilitators and carriers.

And we can note that carrying innovation - such as QR codes across industries - is particularly powerful and increasingly demanded by customers

Reading time <3 mins

Having ideas is great; and capturing and turning them into innovations is a process that has generated many tools, advice and innovation consultants.

But to fix the innovation problem (94% of executives unhappy with innovation performance) we need to go further.

We need to make sure innovations are implementable in an organisation; and further that we are implementing innovations that are generating value for customers and ourselves.

Reading time <1 min